Izuhara Port Festival, Tsushima Island

Celebrate the unique of history of this border island, Tsushima.

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At the beginning of August, enjoy one of the biggest festivals on the island of Tsushima, the Izuhara Port Festival.

Celebrate the history of Tsushima as you take in a parade that re-enacts the arrival of foreign envoys from Korea during the Edo Period, and watch the Funaguro boat race that uses traditional boats. Of course, there is a fireworks display and a variety of traditional performances to enjoy. A great day out for the whole family!


Address 長崎県対馬市厳原町(メイン会場:厳原港特設ステージ)
TEL 0920-52-0452(厳原港まつり振興会(対馬市商工会厳原支所))


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