Nagasaki Peace Memorial Ceremony

A prayer for everlasting world peace.

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The Nagasaki Peace Memorial Ceremony is held on August 9th every year in memory of the victims of the second atomic bomb, near to the location where the bomb was dropped in the Matsuyama neighbourhood. The ceremony also helps to spread the prayer for everlasting world peace.
The ceremony is attended by family members of the victims along with many other Nagasaki citizens. The Peace Declaration made by the Mayor of Nagasaki City delivers Nagasaki's wish for the establishment of lasting world peace and the abolition of nuclear weapons to local government within Japan, and beyond to the leaders of UN countries and to the rest of the world.


Address 長崎県長崎市平和公園ほか
TEL 095-822-8888(長崎市コールセンター)
Dates August 9th (held on the same day every year)


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