Sechibaru the First Tea of the Season Festival "Jigemon(locally grown) Fair"

It is an event that you can fully enjoy the rich flavor of Sechibaru Tea.

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Sechibaru is a perfect area for growing high quality tea since it is on a highland relatively rainy and cool, so Sechibaru tea is very flavorful and has a smooth taste. This is an annual event that you can enjoy the newly picked tea. At the festival site, approxmately fifty shops including tea shops and local vegetable markets will open.


Address 859-6405 長崎県佐世保市世知原町開作71-1
TEL 090-6893-3403(世知原新茶まつりじげもん市実行委員会事務局(担当:小林))
FAX 0956-78-2090
Dates Late May


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