Explore the Wonders of Tsushima Island - The Source of Inspiration for the PS4 Game "Ghost of Tsushima" (3 Days)

Explore the Wonders of Tsushima Island - The Source of Inspiration for the PS4 Game "Ghost of Tsushima" (3 Days)-1

Fly to Tsushima from Fukuoka Airport.

Tsushima is an island rising from the sea, in between Kyushu and the Korean Peninsula. The setting for the popular PS4 game "Ghost of Tsushima," it has now become world famous.
Enjoy activities such as trekking and hiking in wilderness that has been unchanged since ancient times, and be on the look out for creatures unique to Tsushima, such as the Tsushima Leopard Cat and Taishu Horse.
From Eboshidake Observatory you can take in beautiful views of the islands floating in the sea, like a painting.

・Transportation: Car, Bus, Walking
*Reserving a rental car in advance is recommended.

*You can also come by plane from Nagasaki or by ferry from Hakata Port.
Please see the access page for more details.

  • Required Time:3days
  • Means of Transportation:by car, by bus, walk
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Approx. 30 min. by plane from Fukuoka Airport

【Day 1】Tsushima Airport

【Day 1】Tsushima Airport-1

Approx. 40 min. by car

Approx. 40 min. by car

【Day 1】Eboshidake Observatory

【Day 1】Eboshidake Observatory-1
Mt. Eboshi is located in the central region of Tsushima Island, with a height of 176 meters. The observatory (Eboshidake Observatory) is located on the top of Mt. Eboshi, and it offers a stunning panorama view of Tsushima Strait, Korean Strait, and the ria coast with intricate coves and dotted islands surrounding Aso Bay. Parking is available near the observatory (approximately a 10 minute walk).

This observatory is not just a popular place for viewing the majestic view of Aso Bay, but also for learning about the history that this region has witnessed since ancient times.
Address 817-1201 長崎県対馬市豊玉町仁位

Approx. 1 hour by car

【Day 1】The Ruins of Kaneda Castle

【Day 1】The Ruins of Kaneda Castle-1
Kaneda Castle (also known as Kanatanoki or Kanetanoki) was a Korean-style fortress that was built in year 667. At the time, there were three kingdoms in the Korean Peninsula: Baekje, Silla, and Kokuryo. In 660, Baekje was destroyed by the allied forces formed between Silla and Tang (China). The Japanese forces (Yamato Japan) dispatched troops to the Korean Peninsula to help Baekje, but they were severely defeated in the battle of Hakusukinoe by the allied forces in year 663. Following the defeat, Yamato Japan decided to build Korean-style mountaintop castles across western Japan to protect the nation from the possible invasion by the allied forces. In 667, Kaneda Castle was built on the mountaintop of “Joyama”, at which the soldiers sent from eastern Japan stationed and guarded the forefront overlooking Aso Bay and the Korean Peninsula. Exposed at the front line of the national defense, Tsushima – the “island on the border” - was then pervaded with extreme tension.

Over a thousand years later, just before the start of the Russo-Japanese War, the site of Kaneda Castle was once again at the front line of national defense, and the Imperial Japanese Army constructed huge cannons to prepare for the battle.

Today, the Joyama area is designated as a special historic site in Japan, carrying the legacies of both the 1,300 year old castle ruins built by ancient warriors, and the 100 year old modern fortress built by the Imperial Japanese Army.
Address 長崎県対馬市美津島町黒瀬城山

Approx. 30 min. by car

【Day 1】Stay at Nearby Hotels

Approx. 1 hour 40 min. by car

【Day 2】Tsushima Wildlife Conservation Centre

【Day 2】Tsushima Wildlife Conservation Centre-1
The remote and beautiful island of Tsushima boasts a truly special natural environment, and almost 90% of the island is still covered in forests. Its unique ecological system also means that Tsushima is home to wild animals which cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Perhaps the most famous of these is the Tsushima Leopard Cat. Unfortunately, the population of these cats is declining due to road kills and changes to its natural habitat. As a result, in 1994, the Japanese government has designated the Tsushima Leopard Cat as a National Endangered Species.

The Tsushima Wildlife Conservation Center works to protect not only the Tsushima Leopard Cats, but all of Tsushima’s wildlife. It carrys out ecological research and public awareness to protect the island’s natural environment. The center also hosts events, and offers visitors the opportunity to meet a real Tsushima Leopard Cat!
  • Address 817-1603 長崎県対馬市上県町佐護棹崎公園 対馬野生生物保護センター
    TEL 0920-84-5577(対馬野生生物保護センター)
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Address 817-1603 長崎県対馬市上県町佐護棹崎公園 対馬野生生物保護センター
TEL 0920-84-5577(対馬野生生物保護センター)

Approx. 2 hour by car

【Day 2】Climbing Mt. Shiratake

A symbol of Tsushima sacred even now
【Day 2】Climbing Mt. Shiratake-1

Mt. Shiratake is symbolic of Tsushima, and has been worshiped as a sacred mountain since ancient times. Its primeval forest is designated as a national natural monument, and has a unique ecosystem in which continental plants and Japanese plants coexist. The steep and precipitous slope near the summit makes for a thrilling experience as you climb the rocks while holding onto a rope. After climbing all the way up, you can see Aso bay and other peaks in the Shiratake Mountains. When the weather is clear, you can see the mountains in South Korea, and during crane migration periods you can watch the cranes in formation. Mt. Shiratake rises to 519 meters above sea level, and the summit is small, only able to accommodate approx. 10 people. The course from the trailhead to the summit (excluding breaks) is approx. 90 minutes heading there and approx. 75 minutes coming back. Please respect the mountain and show etiquette while climbing by not throwing away trash, etc.

Approx. 50 min. by car

【Day 2】Stay at Nearby Hotels

Approx. 5 min. walk

【Day 3】Fureai Dokoro Tsushima Tourist Information Center

A base for traveling in Tsushima
【Day 3】Fureai Dokoro Tsushima Tourist Information Center-1

With its Japanese-style architecture, Tsushima timber, and Japanese roof tiles, as well as a tourist information center, souvenir corner, restaurants, coin lockers, and more, Fureai Dokoro Tsushima Tourist Information Center is the perfect base for your trip in Tsushima. It is also located in a convenient location, both near Izuhara Port, and near an arrival and departure location for local buses.

Approx. 5 min. walk

【Day 3】Ruins of Kaneishi Castle / Former Kaneishi Castle Gardens

Castle and garden located at the foot of Shimizuyama Castle
【Day 3】Ruins of Kaneishi Castle / Former Kaneishi Castle Gardens-1

The ruins of Kaneishi castle are located in Izuhara, Tsushima. The castle, located on flat land, had stone walls and a moat, but a castle tower was not built. The former Kaneishi castle gardens were found as a result of excavating the school grounds of a local junior high school, and it became clear that a large-scale spring had been built. The Daimyo's garden has since been revived there.

Approx. 5 min. walk

【Day 3】Banshoin Temple

National historic site
【Day 3】Banshoin Temple-1

The temple was built in 1615, and features rows of graves from successive generations of the So clan, who ruled Tsushima. It is said to be one of the three major cemeteries in Japan along with the Maeda clan cemetery in Kanazawa City and the Mouri clan cemetery in Hagi City. The temple's 132 stone steps and 1200-year-old cedar trees create a unique atmosphere.

  • Address 817-0015 長崎県対馬市厳原町厳原西里192
    TEL 0920-52-0984
    Hours of Operation 8:00–17:00 (until 18:00 in summer)
    Closed Open all year round
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Address 817-0015 長崎県対馬市厳原町厳原西里192
TEL 0920-52-0984
Hours of Operation 8:00–17:00 (until 18:00 in summer)
Closed Open all year round

Approx. 40 min. by bus (Izuhara〜Tsushima Yamaneko Airport)

【Day 3】Tsushima Airport

【Day 3】Tsushima Airport-1

Approx. 30 min. by plane

【Day 3】Fukuoka Airport

【Day 3】Fukuoka Airport-1


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