Goto Udon Making Workshop (Funasaki Udon Denshokan) (ごとうてのべうどんづくりたいけん(ふなさきうどんでんしょうかん))

Experience making a local specialty using the authentic, centuries old method.

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Goto udon is featured often on Japanese television. Why not try your hand at making it the old-fashioned way? You can also have the finished udon delivered a few days after the workshop.


Address 857-4405 長崎県南松浦郡 新上五島町船崎郷497
TEL 0959-42-5005
FAX 0959-42-0967
Hours of Operation Year-round: 8:30 AM - 5 PM
Closed on Obon, December 29th to January 3rd
Parking Available
Note ~2 hour experience
Meeting place Funasaki Udon Denshokan (長崎県南松浦郡 新上五島町船崎郷497)
Price Adults (middle school or higher): 4,000 yen
Children (elementary school): 3,500 yen
<3 years old: 3,000 yen
Reservation deadline At least 2 days before the desired date
Minimum number of participants 2
Note Please arrive in clothes you don't mind getting dirty
The completed udon can only be sent to one address
Reservation Shinkamigoto Tourism Association TEL:0959-42-5005


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