Nagasaki Kameyama Shachu Memorial Museum (ナガサキシカメヤマシャチュウキネンカン)

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This building showcases items from the late-Edo period in Nagasaki as well as the Kameyama Shachu and its members as well as introduces the role the Kameyama Shachu and Nagasaki played in the modernization of Japan.


Address 850-0802 長崎県長崎市伊良林2-7-24
TEL 095-823-3400
FAX 095-823-3400
Hours of Operation 9:00~17:00
(Entrance is until 16:45)
Closed Open everyday
Price Adults:310 yen
High school students:200 yen
Elementary and junior high school students:150 yen
Parking No parking lot available
Access 11 minutes' walk from Shindaiku-machi Streetcar Stop
Website Tripadvisor


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