Glass Crafts (ガラスコウゲイ)

The lapis lazuli color, reminiscent of the deep sea, is the result of Nagasaki's sea

Nagasaki City
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Glasswork was introduced to Japan by the Nanban trade during the period of national seclusion, which brought it to Dejima.
Generally, blown glass is called "beadro” in Japanese. The word is derived from "vidro," the Portuguese word for glassware, and was introduced to Japan by the Portuguese who came to Japan in 1542.
The word "geaman" in Japanese comes from "diamant", the Dutch word for "diamond." Faceted glass is called "geaman" because it is crafted using diamonds.
Nagasaki, which prospered as a trading port with Portugal, is also the place where glassware was introduced.


Address 長崎県長崎市 
TEL 095-895-2621(Nagasaki Prefecture Product Brand Promotion Division)


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