Castella (カステラ)

A Nagasaki specialty that came to Japan from the southern barbarians!

Nagasaki City
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Castella was born in Japan 400 years ago.

During the Tensho Period (about 400-odd years ago), Castella was introduced to Japan to Ito Koshichiro (Murayama Tonoan) and others by the Portuguese, and the process was subsequently introduced to Kyoto, Osaka, and Edo.

The word "castella" is said to have originated from Castella, the Portuguese name for the Kingdom of Castile, which ruled from central to northern Spain.

When the Castella production method was introduced, the baked Castella was said to be quite different from today's Castella, and the taste and flavor have been improved over time until today.
During the Meiji period (1868-1912), a new product was developed by adding chocolate, which was highly prized at the time. Even today, there are many attempts to add various flavors to Castella, such as mandarin orange Castella, green tea Castella, and cheese Castella.


Address 長崎県長崎市 
TEL 095-820-6568(Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Food Promotion Office)


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