Iwado Shrine (イワドジンジャ)

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Tucked away deep in the mountains of Unzen, Iwado Shrine is not like the shrines one would see in a city, but instead, it is a nature surrounding magical spot that slightly resembles the scenes that one would see in Studio Ghlibi’s animation movies. This place is also known to be a “power spot” by the locals, and the best part is that there are always so few people here.

The actual shrine itself is located inside a cave-like shaped rock. Near the shrine is another large rock with a slight cliff inclining towards the open area in the forest. On a pouring day, the rainfall that flows down from the cliff shaped rock creates a small waterfall, adding to the sound of nature that echoes through the forest.


Address 859-1205 長崎県雲仙市瑞穂町西郷丁2322番地
TEL 0957-38-3111(雲仙市観光物産まちづくり推進課)
Closed The third Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday of June.


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