Nakaoyama District of Hasami Town (ナカオヤマ )

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Nakaoyama District of Hasami Town is renowned for its mass production of pottery that supplied the everyday tableware in Japan during the Edo Period. Today, you can still find kilns in the area, as well as one of the world’s largest climbing kilns, reaching 160 meters long. Combined with brick chimneys and quaint back alleyways, a stroll through this area will take you back in time.

Each year, two main festivals are held at the Nakaoyama District. The Spring Pottery Festival is in April, which coincides with cherry blossom season. The second one is the Autumn Ceramics Festival in October. Both festivals attract tourists and locals alike, as ceramics are sold at a discounted price during the festivals.


Address 長崎県東彼杵郡波佐見町中尾郷
TEL 0956-85-2273(中尾山交流館)
Closed Tuesday ※If Tuesday falls on a national holiday, the following day will be closed.
Note Spring Pottery Festival is in 2023 will be held from April 1 - April 2.


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