Ojika-cho Museum of History and Folklore

A municipal museum exhibiting folk historical materials of ancient ruins, whaling, and up to modern day. Its building is a restored house of the former Oda family's who used to practice whaling in the old days.

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Stoneware and pottery excavated form primitive and ancient ruins, medieval Chinese trading documents, whaling equipmant, porcelain and tea celemonial sets of modern times are on exhibit.


Address 857-4701 長崎県北松浦郡小値賀町笛吹郷字木ノ下1931番地
TEL 0959-56-4155
FAX 0959-56-4155
Hours of Operation 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Closed Monday, 12/28~1/3, 25th of every month
Price 100yen/person
*Admission free for under 18yo
Access 7-min. walk from Ojika Port


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