Imperial Japanese Navy Sasebo Naval Station Triumphant Return Memorial Hall ( Sasebo Citizens' Cultural Hall )

Certified as Japan Heritage in 2016

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It was established as the memorial hall of triumphal return from the First World War in May 1923(Taisho 12). After World WarⅡ, the US military used it as a dance hall and a movie theater, but it was returned to Sasebo City in 1977(Showa 52), and now, it is used as a citizens' multipurpose cultural facility for theatrical performances and concerts. It was registered as a tangible cultural property of Japan in 1997 for its valuable Taisho era construction.


Address 857-0056 長崎県佐世保市平瀬町2
TEL 0956-25-8192(佐世保市民文化ホール)
Hours of Operation 9:00AM - 10:00PM ( close at 5:00PM if it's not in use )
Closed Closed on Tuesdays & New Year Holidays ( 12/29-1/3 )
Parking 28 cars
Access By bus/ Approx. 7 min. from Sasebo Station, get off at "Sasebo Sogo Iryo Center iriguchi"(in front of Sasebo General Hospital).


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