This residence was built by Lord Moriakira Goto (the 30th head of the Goto family) in 1861 as a retirement villa on the grounds of Fukue Castle (also known as Ishida Castle). The construction of the villa took nearly two years to complete, and even now, the fine details of the exquisite workmanship can still be seen throughout the entire house. Its garden is also a quaint one designed by a Buddhist monk named Zensho, and it models after the famous Kinkakuji Temple (Golden Pavilion) in Kyoto. The garden also has a pond called “Shinji-ga-ike”, as it is in the shape of the kanji character “心”, meaning “heart”.
Other neat details that can be seen within the garden include the 36 turtle-shaped rocks, the old hidden escape route, castle stone walls, and also a giant camphor tree that is over 800 years old! In 1991, this garden was designated as a “National Scenic Beauty” because of its rarity of having a garden and villa within the former castle grounds.
If you’re lucky, you might meet the heir of Goto Lord in person when you visit the villa, who is now the 35th head of the Goto family!
※ The facility will be closed from 12/14/2020 through 3/31/2021 due to maintenance.