Chino-Kojima Shrine (ちのこうじまじんじゃ)

The Torii Gate that stands facing the ocean.

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Chino-Kojima shrine (the Land Kojima shrine) is a twin sibling of Okino-Kojima shrine (the Sea Kojima shrine) found on Nozaki Island. It is said that the original Kojima Shrine got split into two shrines in 704 A.D. with two shrines built facing each other across the sea. The unique feature of the Chino-Kojima shrine is its torii gates that continue all the way down to the sea.


Address 857-4702 長崎県北松浦郡小値賀町前方郷3939
TEL 0959-56-2646(NPO法人おぢかアイランドツーリズム協会)
Website Ojika Island


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