Higashiyamate Western Style Houses (7 buildings) (ひがしやまてようふうじゅうたくぐん(ななとう))

A group of seven wooden Western-style buildings still standing in the former foreign settlement

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Walk up the Dutch Slope to find this group of Western-style houses, filled with an exotic feeling. They were built close together on a narrow site on a steep incline, and stand in rows like terrace houses on land developed on two levels. These Western-style wooden structures were created in around the 1890s, and are designed and finished modestly, inside and out. As the construction materials are very similar for each building, we presume that they were built in a systematic way as company or rental housing. At present, six of these are in use, and one, the “Chikyukan” is well-loved as a rest space used by many people of different nationalities as a place for international exchange. You can also enjoy some time in the cafe here.


Address 長崎県長崎市東山手町6番25号ほか
TEL 095-829-1193(Cultural Property Section, Culture and Tourism Department, Nagasaki City)
FAX 095-829-1219
Access Tram: Alight at Ishibashi tram station and walk for approximately 5 minutes.
Bus: Alight at Ishibashi bus stop and walk for approximately 5 minutes.
Website Nagasaki City


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